What is the best time to post on facebook?

What is the best time to post on facebook?

I found this great article at http://faceitpages.com/blog/best-time-to-post-to-facebook/1061/ on when to post on facebook.
Timing is Crucial: Best Times to Post to Facebook With Status Updates
best times to post to facebook page
Timing is crucial when it comes to social media. Knowing when to post a status update, tweet a blog post or send out an email newsletter can make the difference in its effectiveness. After all, it does not do much good to share a video early in the morning if your readers, fans or customers are typically not active until late in the day. So, what is the best time of day to post Facebook page updates for your business?
Truthfully, the best time of day depends on your target market. Knowing your target market’s social media habits is the best way to determine the right time of day or day of the week to post. With that said, there are certain times of the day and days of the week that are statistically more active. While such statistics are not universal for all markets, they do provide some insight into generalized high traffic times. Sharing status updates and other content during high traffic times increases the chance of exposure to existing and potentially new fans and followers.

General Statistics
KISSmetrics published an infographic in June, 2011, titled The Science of Social Timing. Information was gathered from a variety of sources and aggregated into a graphic to show the highest traffic times for various social media outlets. According to KISSmetrics, the busiest time of the day on Facebook is noon, Eastern Standard Time. The busiest day for Facebook users is Saturday. Presumably, most users log into Facebook during their lunch hour to “check in” on their social network, then again during the weekend to hang out and catch up.

Similar studies conducted by other agencies and social media experts indicate similar results. Lunchtime during the week and Saturday afternoons are typically the busiest times for Facebook. Sundays are a mix, depending on geography and the specific study cited. Keep in mind, however, that these are generalized traffic times. Your specific market may be different.

For example, if your company sells black-out shades for windows, your target market is likely people who work third shift. Odds are, those folks are in bed and asleep come lunchtime. They might not see the healthy sleep habits video you share if you follow the general statistics and post it at noon. As such, testing various times throughout the day and measuring your fan engagement levels will likely produce more accurate suggestions on the best time to post status updates or to share other content.